T4T Session

Look Back (1/3)- Celebrate

Look Up (1/3)- Train

Look Ahead (1/3)-Send

1. Pastoral care- How are you doing?


2. Worship


3. Accountability and Celebration

Following Jesus- How are you doing at obeying the Word of God from last week’s lesson?

Fishing for Men- Who are you witnessing to? Sick people prayed for? Who has believed?


4. Vision Casting

5. New Lesson/Story


Word of God shared in a reproducible way


Keep it short- only give enough that they will, understand, obey and pass it on.

 6. Practice the lesson/ story / Participatory Bible study


Then ask each person :


i.What did you like? Not like?

ii.What do you learn about God?

iii.What do you learn about people?

iv.How will you obey?


7. Set Goals

Pray and Send one another

Goal of practice time is to make the trainer confident and competent to train others who will train others

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